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Exciting Dropship Businesses, SaaS Specials & Digital Product Delights Inside

Explore global digital businesses, including dropshipping, digital products, and a SaaS special. Plus, learn negotiation tips and see some seller financing options. Dive in now

Hello Snipers!

This week I’ve got some exciting dropshipping finds for you, along with a digital product store and a ridiculously cheap SaaS special. My hunt for digital businesses is truly global, so you’ll see options from all over the world. But the beauty of digital businesses? You can run them from anywhere with an internet connection—geography doesn’t hold you back.

A couple of these businesses even come with seller financing, which is where the seller essentially lends you part of the money to buy the business. You pay a deposit upfront, and the rest gets paid later, usually tied to future performance. I’ll dive deeper into how this works in a future issue, but it’s a great option to keep in mind.

Plus, I’ve added some negotiation tips to help you get the best deal—as there’s room to negotiate with some of the businesses featured, in my opinion. 💼💡

Enjoy the issue, and happy exploring! 🚀😊

Jump to the Good Stuff...

DIGITAL TRIVIA - What percentage of online retailers worldwide use dropshipping as their primary fulfillment model? (Hint: It’s more common than you think.)? 📲🤔

Find the answer at the bottom of the email! 

Established Niche Rocking Chair Dropship Store🪑🛒

Here’s a well established niche (you know I love niches!) business opportunity you might like with a strong domain—a long-standing e-commerce store that’s been selling rocking chairs and outdoor furniture for over 18 years! The best part? It runs on a drop-shipping model, so there’s no need to hold inventory, which keeps things low-maintenance. The site gets about 5,000 visitors a month, and it’s super easy to manage.

They recently switched from Magento to WooCommerce, making things even more user-friendly. The business also has a solid SEO foundation and a Google AdWords campaign that brings in steady traffic. Plus, there’s a 1,300-subscriber Mailchimp list that’s barely been used, so there’s room to boost sales through email marketing.

If you’re looking to grow the business, you could tap into that email list for targeted campaigns or expand their trade program for designers and architects. Creating more blog content and stepping up social media marketing, especially on Instagram and Pinterest, could also drive traffic. There’s also potential to expand the product line or even start shipping internationally.

Overall, it’s a pretty hands-off setup with room to grow…and is advertised as seller financed which could be a useful bonus.

My Checklist:

  • Go over the profit and loss statements, verify against Magento & Woocommerce reports and Bank Statements.

  • Look at Google Analytics to get a sense of where visitors are coming from - are they organic? Has there been any change in traffic?

  • Review the supplier agreements. Do they accept returns? Do they offer any exclusivity?

  • Check out how the site ranks in search results and see if there’s room to boost organic traffic.

  • Review the performance of Google AdWords to see if scaling up paid ads could bring in more. Also verify the current spend.

  • Look at the 1,300-subscriber Mailchimp list for potential marketing and customer segmentation.

  • Confirm that it really only takes minimal time to manage and that the drop-shipping model stays hassle-free.

  • Ensure that everything, like the website, domain, suppliers, and customer data, is included in the sale.

Motorhome Campervan Online Marketplace 🚐🏕️

I don’t often feature marketplaces but this one that launched in February 2024 is worth a mention. It’s all about buying and selling campervans across the UK. Campervans have been surging in popularity in the UK since Covid times, with no sign of stopping. It’s already gaining a solid following among campervan enthusiasts, with over 8,300 page views a month. The best part? It runs with super low overheads, and the profit margins are crazy high at 98%. They make money through different listing options, from 7-day listings to premium "Until Sold" options, so there’s a steady stream of income.

Even though the site’s doing well, there’s tons of room to grow. The current owner hasn’t done much marketing, so if you invest in Google Ads and Facebook/Instagram campaigns, traffic and listings could skyrocket. There’s also potential to expand partnerships with campervan dealers and accessory providers to give the platform more credibility and reach.

Other ideas? Creating content like campervan buying guides or travel tips could drive more traffic. Premium features or subscription models for sellers could bring in extra revenue, and optimizing the site for mobile users is a must. Down the road, expanding outside the UK could tap into other regions where campervans are super popular. It’s a low-maintenance business with big growth potential!

My Checklist:

  • Get some backend reports from the website and cross reference with bank statements to verify earnings.

  • Review website traffic data—where users are coming from, how they behave, and conversion rates—to assess current performance and growth potential.

  • Look at the SEO strategy and current marketing efforts to see what’s working and where more investment could help. How much is being spent on ads and is it sustainable?

  • Ensure the technical side of the platform is solid, stable, and scalable for future growth.

  • Confirm ownership of the domain, website, and all digital assets.

  • What’s the competition like? Do they advertise heavily? Are there any obvious big players that may want to acquire you as you grow?

  • Verify that all operations can be ran from outside the UK.

Herbal Product Dropship Store 🌿🍃

I tend to take an interest in any kind of medicinal type store/product, because I like the potential for recurring customers - acquire the customer once and keep them for life, it’s a great deal for a business. Here’s a great herbal eCommerce business that’s been running since 2018, selling 100% organic products online. It’s set up with a drop-shipping model, meaning no need to keep inventory—it’s all remote and low-maintenance. They rely on organic traffic from email marketing and SEO, so overhead costs are super low. Plus, it’s fully compliant with legal standards across all 50 states under the 2018 Farm Bill.

The business has over 1,000 herbal products listed and interest from manufacturers for distribution partnerships, so there’s plenty of growth potential. It’s run by one person, and the sale includes the website, vendor relationships, and training to get you started smoothly. It’s also listed as seller finance available which is definitely worth exploring.

To grow, you could invest in PPC ads, work with influencers, and focus on content marketing to boost visibility. Expanding into new products or health and wellness categories could also help. Improving SEO and stepping up social media efforts on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest would drive more traffic. Personalized email marketing would give better results, and exclusive supplier deals or loyalty programs would keep customers coming back.

My Checklist:

  • Review profit and loss statements, expenses, and profit margins to make sure the business is profitable and financially stable.

  • Analyze the current marketing strategies to see how effective they are and if there’s room to scale or improve. Verify the current spend.

  • Get access to Google Analytics and check where traffic comes from - does it correlate with the given marketing spend?

  • Check the variety and quality of the product range, and review vendors to make sure they’re solid. Do they supply anyone? Are they easy to locate? Do they themselves have a lot of competition? Do they have valuable brands or white label solutions?

  • Ensure the business meets all regulations, especially around organic products within the USA and beyond.

  • Assess the size and engagement of the customer base, including how healthy and segmented the email list is. Check for online reviews to see if customers are largely happy. Are most of the customers repeat customers?

🔔DIGI BITE🔔 Seriously Affordable SaaS Marketing Agency 📢🔥

Imagine the Gold Rush days: people struck it rich either by mining for gold or by selling shovels to the miners. This Digital Agency is like one of those shovels in today’s SaaS boom. So here’s the deal: if you’re eyeing a low-cost entry into the digital world, this could be a great pick.

It’s a straightforward setup, and you could grab it for less than what you’d spend on an electric bike. The business offers a subscription-based service where it gives growth advice to small SaaS businesses…simply utilize Ai to provide you with that advice. Subscribers get monthly marketing tips and feedback, mostly through email. It’s easy to manage and mostly attracts organic traffic from the U.S. and U.K. With just a bit more marketing, there’s a lot of room to grow and even bump up subscription prices.

BUYER TIP: The Art of Negotiation for First-Time Buyers 💼🤝🚀

If you’re diving into buying your first business, negotiating can feel pretty overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you score the best deal:

  • Understand the Seller’s Motivation:

    Are they retiring, or is there a bigger issue? Their reason for selling might give you leverage on price or terms.

  • Consider the Business’s Growth Potential:

    Check if the business has room for growth. If it’s got strong prospects, a higher initial investment might be worth it for the long-term gains.

  • Do Your Homework:

    Knowledge is power. Research the business, its industry, and financials thoroughly. I share insights on all businesses in my Newsletter, so even skimming through the businesses you’re not interested in can be helpful over time.

  • Start with a Fair Offer:

    It might be tempting to start low, but a reasonable offer based on your research can build goodwill and lead to more effective negotiations.

  • Identify What’s Negotiable:

    Look beyond just the price. Negotiations can include seller financing, training, inventory, or payment terms. These aspects can add value and offer flexibility.

  • Use a Professional Broker or Advisor:

    A professional can guide you through the process, ensuring you don’t miss crucial details and that the deal benefits you. A good acquisition specialist can spot potential issues quickly, which can help drive the price down in a fair way. (Feel free to reply if you’d like my help with this)

  • Build Rapport and Be Friendly:

    Building a good relationship with the seller can make a big difference. Being friendly and personable can make the seller more inclined to negotiate with you and might even make them prefer to sell to you over others.

  • Show That You’re Ready:

    Demonstrate that you have the money, time, and knowledge to move forward with the deal. Sellers want to hear that you’re prepared and committed.

  • Look for Negatives Without Being Too Negative:

    Pay attention to potential issues, like whether the business is new, relies heavily on a specific platform, or requires significant advertising spend. While it’s important to be aware of these, avoid being overly critical or alarmist, as this could scare the seller away. Instead, frame these concerns in a constructive way to open up discussion about adjustments or concessions.

  • Stay Objective:

    Don’t let emotions cloud your judgment. Stick to the facts and be ready to walk away if the deal doesn’t meet your criteria. And be cautious of businesses labelled as ‘lifestyle’—it’s often a red flag for unprofitability.

  • Ask for Post-Sale Support:

    Negotiating for a training or support period with the seller can be incredibly valuable, especially if you’re new to the industry. Plus, a seller willing to hang around is less likely to be hiding major negatives about the business.

By staying informed and strategic, you’ll be in a great position to negotiate a deal that sets you up for success while protecting your investment.

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Auto Accessories Dropship Store 🚗🔩

There’s an eCommerce store specializing in automotive accessories that’s been killing it since launching just a year ago. It runs on a dropshipping model through Shopify, which means no need to manage inventory—everything is shipped directly from suppliers to customers. The store's growth has been impressive, with a strong ROI on ads: 5x on Pinterest, 4x on Google Ads, and 2.43x on Facebook.

It only takes around 10-15 hours a week to manage advertising, customer service, and supplier coordination, and a lot of the processes are automated. With a solid customer base, it has a conversion rate of 2.51% and a repeat purchase rate of 8.68%. The main markets are in Belgium and the Netherlands, but they recently launched a French webshop, opening up even more opportunities for growth in Europe. Language or location is no barrier to owning this business - Google translate.

To keep things growing, you could try new ad platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, or Twitter to reach more people. Expanding the French site and moving into other European countries would boost sales, and adding new products or accessories could attract more customers and increase order sizes. Advanced strategies like influencer partnerships and email campaigns would also build up brand visibility. Improving the website and customer service could bump up conversion rates. You could even take this model to other countries and keep building on those strong ROI numbers. Partnering with top automotive brands for exclusive products would also strengthen your position.

My Checklist:

  • Study Shopify reports, bank statements and supplier invoices to verify profitability.

  • Check the ROI on existing ad channels and see if there’s room to optimize or expand into new advertising strategies.

  • Take a close look at how streamlined the operations are, ensuring the automation is effective and requires minimal hands-on management.

  • Evaluate the current market position in Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. Look for opportunities to branch out into other European countries. How possible would that be? Will the suppliers support you and ship elsewhere?

  • Dive into customer data, including conversion rates and repeat sales, to get a sense of customer loyalty and buying behavior.

  • Review current relationships with suppliers to ensure reliable sourcing and smooth fulfillment processes. Are they ok dealing with an owner based in another country?

  • What’s the return rate? Do suppliers accept returns?

  • Check online review sites - in Europe, to make sure there’s no hidden issues.

Designer Furniture Dropship Store 🛋️🛏️

Here’s a classy store that specializes in upmarket designer home and garden products, and it’s been doing really well since it launched in 2023. It runs on a dropshipping model through Shopify, so they don’t need to handle inventory—suppliers ship everything directly to customers. This setup keeps overheads low and operations simple, while still building a strong reputation in the home and garden space.

With about 2,335 page views per month, they’re getting steady traffic and consistent interest. Thanks to automation and smart digital marketing, it requires minimal day-to-day management. The site is optimized for mobile, making it super user-friendly for shoppers.

To grow, you could add more products or explore related categories to attract more customers and increase order sizes. Boosting marketing with social media ads, influencer partnerships, and better SEO would drive more traffic and sales. Email campaigns could re-engage customers and promote new products. Improving the website based on feedback would increase customer satisfaction and lower bounce rates. Expanding into new regions or international markets would reach a larger audience, and creating more content like blog posts or videos could bring in organic traffic. Selling on other platforms would also open up new revenue streams.

My Checklist:

  • You need backend access to Shopify or detailed Shopify reports to compare against Bank Statements and Suppliers invoices to confirm the financials properly.

  • Look at how well the dropshipping model and automated systems are working. Make sure they’re efficient and scalable for future growth.

  • Are there many returns or customer complaints? (This is my initial concern with large dropship items) How good are the suppliers at dealing with them? Do they take over or do they wash their hands of the problem and leave you on your own?

  • Evaluate how current marketing strategies are performing. Look for ways to boost marketing efforts and attract more customers.

  • Analyze Google Analytics like page views, conversion rates, and customer feedback to get a clear picture of market demand and customer behavior.

  • Ensure the Shopify store is running smoothly, with good mobile compatibility - design and user a positive user experience is key for this industry.

  • Check the current supplier relationships and agreements to make sure you have reliable sources and smooth fulfillment. Are they ok taking international payments for orders (so you can run from outside the UK)?

Sample Pack & Vocal Presets Digital Music Store 🎹🎶

A digital music site…that’s literally music to my ears (pardon the pun!). How could I not be keen on completely digital products, no stock, no returns, no lost in the mail! This one launched just a year ago, and it’s already doing great. They offer things like sample packs and vocal presets (a great niche!) and thanks to solid SEO, it’s grown fast. The site gets about 58,868 page views each month, and 95% of orders are handled automatically, so it runs with hardly any manual work.

It’s profitable, with very low costs like hosting and Google Ads, and it’s trending upwards in earnings.

To keep growing, you could add more digital music products, like new sample packs or sound libraries. A subscription model could bring in regular income too. Boosting social media ads and partnering with influencers would help attract more traffic. Explore YouTube or music forums to reach new customers. Plus, refining SEO and ads would drive even more traffic, and using data analytics would help fine-tune strategies. Collaborating with music pros could also expand reach and product range.

My Checklist:

  • Check out the financial statements to get a clear picture of revenue, expenses, and profit margins. Make sure the numbers are consistent and accurate.

  • Verify that all digital products, designs, graphics, and contractor details are included in the sale. It’s very important to verify ownership of digital assets like these.

  • Take a closer look at the current marketing strategies, including SEO and Google Ads. Verify the cost & determine how well they’re performing and spot areas for improvement.

  • Review the current product lineup and explore opportunities to expand or diversify the offerings.…the addition of the right products for the customer base could double revenue for a business like this.

  • Check Backend Analytics and verify where traffic comes from. Are there any ongoing costs for Backlinks?

  • Assess the website’s technology, including hosting, domain, and automation tools. Ensure everything is up-to-date and reliable.

  • Confirm that the current owner will provide sufficient support during the transition, including any needed training or help with product creation and marketing.

TRIVIA ANSWER - Over 33% of online retailers worldwide use dropshipping as their primary fulfillment model.📦🌍😲

Disclaimer: Buying any business is a significant financial and personal decision. We strongly recommend conducting thorough due diligence and consulting with qualified advisors before making any purchase. The businesses we showcase are merely those that caught our interest, and our inclusion of them does not constitute endorsement or recommendation. We only repeat the business information presented to us and cannot be held responsible for its accuracy. We do not offer any investment or financial advice, and we assume no liability for the decisions you make based on the information provided in this newsletter.