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Prime Digital Business Picks: YouTube Channels, Games & More

Explore a mix of iOS games, classic sites, premium e-commerce, and the latest on YouTube channels. Plus, discover how to spot fake subscribers and views.

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Howdy Snipers!

This issue is packed with a mix of intriguing opportunities: a fun iOS game, a classic 20-year-old horse racing resource site, and a couple of premium e-commerce operations. But the real highlight is our deep dive into YouTube Channels—a topic that’s been gaining increasing interest from my clients.

It’s clear that traditional TV is taking a backseat as younger generations flock to Netflix, Amazon, and YouTube. So, I’ve curated a selection of promising YouTube channels for you to explore, along with 6 key tests I personally use to spot if a channel has artificially inflated its subscribers or views (don’t get fooled by unscrupulous sellers!).

Check out the latest finds and insights—Happy Hunting! 🎯

Get Straight to the Point...

DIGITAL TRIVIA - What was the highest reported price ever paid for a YouTube channel in a sale? 🤔

Find the answer at the bottom of the email! 

Music Business Tycoon IOS Game 🎸💰

Launched in 2023, this profitable iOS game offers an easy-to-manage experience and a solid income through ads, in-app purchases, and subscriptions. Its low maintenance and strong growth potential make it an enticing opportunity for mobile gaming enthusiasts.

With revenue from subscriptions, in-app purchases, and Google AdMob ads, the game maintains steady income. To expand, translating the game into multiple languages could reach a global audience, while adding new levels and characters could boost user engagement. Using the existing source code to create new games could open additional revenue streams. Targeted marketing and optimizing the App Store presence could also increase downloads and profitability.

My Checklist:

  • Review detailed financial statements to verify the accuracy of the monthly profit and revenue figures - pay close attention to any marketing spend as it can get out of hand with apps.

  • Examine the effectiveness of current monetization strategies, including ad placements, in-app purchases, and subscription models.

  • Assess the quality and efficiency of the game’s source code, technology stack (Swift, Firebase, Amplitude), and integration capabilities - you may need a professional to do this, which is also something to consider in the ongoing running/fixing bugs…there’s online websites you can search for that specialise in this…failing that there’s always Fiverr!

  • Evaluate the analytics provided by Firebase and Amplitude to understand user behavior and marketing effectiveness.

  • Consider the feasibility and cost of expanding the game into new languages, adding new content, or developing additional games.

  • Review the app’s performance metrics on the App Store, including user reviews, ratings, and download trends.

  • Ensure you have access to all marketing materials, including app icons, in-game assets, and screenshots.

Horse Racing Resource Website 🏇🏆

This premium domain, a go-to resource for UK horseracing since 2004, offers a fantastic investment opportunity. With a rich history and a strong reputation, it delivers detailed racecourse info and generates stable income through affiliate sales, ads, sponsored content, and digital products.

Attracting around 8,341 monthly page views thanks to savvy SEO and Google Analytics, the site is profitable and reliable. To boost growth, enhancing SEO could improve rankings and traffic. Adding in-depth racecourse analyses, exploring more affiliate partnerships, and increasing sponsored content could drive revenue. Interactive features and expanding digital products could engage users and attract new visitors. Strengthening social media presence might also enhance brand visibility and traffic. However, the first thing that comes to my mind when it comes to seriously monetizing this project would be introducing a tipster service.

My Checklist:

  • Review detailed financial statements to verify the accuracy…specifically ask for a P&L.

  • Are you buying a Limited Company or just the assets?

  • Examine the effectiveness and stability of current revenue streams, including affiliate sales, display ads, sponsored content, and digital products.

  • Assess the current SEO practices and rankings - check for potential damage after last update.

  • Ensure access to Google Analytics and AdSense accounts to review traffic data and advertising performance.

  • Evaluate the quality and relevance of existing content, including its impact on user engagement and SEO.

  • Verify the terms and stability of existing affiliate partnerships and advertising networks.

  • Analyze the effectiveness of current social media strategies and potential for growth - ensure these accounts will be included.

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High-CPM YouTube Entertainment Channel 🔮🎬

This 6-year-old YouTube channel has made a splash in the entertainment niche, boasting 71,800 subscribers and over 10.4 million views. With a high CPM due to its American audience, it’s a money-maker with low production costs and impressive profit margins.

The current owner is ready to move on, presenting a prime opportunity for someone eager to boost this already successful channel. There’s plenty of room for growth by diversifying content, increasing uploads, and enhancing marketing through social media and collaborations. Optimizing video SEO and exploring new revenue streams like sponsored content or merch could further ramp up earnings. With a little more attention and creativity, this channel is ready to soar even higher.

My Checklist:

  • Get access to or ask for detailed screenshots (or video walkthrough) of the Youtube backend to verify subs, views, advertizing payouts and advertising costs.

  • Analyze the engagement metrics of the subscriber base, including likes, comments, and shares, to gauge audience loyalty.

  • Evaluate the performance of different types of content to identify what resonates most with viewers.

  • Understand the production costs involved and any potential for cost reduction or optimization - could ai be utilized to speed things up and reduce costs?

  • Check the channel’s adherence to YouTube’s monetization policies and any potential issues that could affect its revenue.

  • Ensure a smooth transfer of ownership is possible, including access to channel analytics, social media accounts, and any ongoing contracts or partnerships.

  • Independently check that the subscribers and viewers are legit by reading my BUYER TIP below.

BUYER TIP: Red Flags of Bought YouTube Views or Subscribers 🚩🕵️‍♂️

Identifying a YouTube channel that's boosting its numbers through paid means can be tricky, but here are six signs to watch for:

1. Rapid Growth on a New Channel

If a newly launched channel quickly amasses thousands of views or subscribers without an existing fanbase, it’s likely due to purchased engagement rather than organic growth.

2. Sudden Spikes in Views or Subscribers

A massive and sudden increase in views or subscribers, especially overnight, often signals that a channel has bought engagement, particularly if there's no viral content to justify the jump.

3. High Numbers with Low Interaction

When a channel has a high view or subscriber count but very few comments, it’s a red flag. Genuine engagement usually includes comments and likes, so a mismatch suggests paid, non-interactive viewers.

4. Abrupt Drops in Metrics

A sudden decrease in views or subscribers could be due to YouTube removing fake accounts. Channels relying on purchased engagement often experience these sharp declines.

5. Generic or Blank Subscriber Profiles

Subscribers with incomplete profiles—no photos, bios, or activity—are often bots. A channel with many such subscribers likely has inflated its numbers.

6. Odd or Fake-Sounding Subscriber Names

Subscribers with generic or nonsensical names, like "John Smith" or random characters, are often bots, indicating the channel may have paid for these fake followers.

By watching for these red flags, you can better determine if a channel's growth is real or artificially boosted.

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Entertainment Celebrity Gossip YouTube Channel 🤩🎬

Launched in 2015, this YouTube channel has become a major player in the entertainment and celebrity gossip scene, boasting over 371,000 subscribers and 971 original videos. With engaging content on films, TV shows, and celebrity news, it’s built a loyal following and a strong financial track record. Despite having one warning, the channel remains fully monetized and operational, benefiting from a CPM of 9.14 and an RPM of 8.10, ensuring robust earnings per view.

Opportunities for growth are plentiful. Expanding into related niches like gaming or lifestyle could attract new viewers. Sponsored videos and branded merchandise could add to the revenue stream. Translating content for global reach, boosting social media efforts, and adding live streams or Q&As could deepen audience engagement and drive further success.

My Checklist:

  • Get access to or ask for detailed screenshots (or video walkthrough) of the Youtube backend to verify subs, views, advertizing payouts and advertising costs.

  • Analyze subscriber growth trends, view counts, and engagement rates to understand the channel’s performance and potential.

  • Verify the channel’s current monetization status and any potential risks related to YouTube’s policies, including the existing warning.

  • Ensure all content is original or has the appropriate rights and licenses, avoiding potential copyright issues.

  • Assess the CPM and RPM metrics to understand the channel’s revenue potential per view.

  • Understand the time and resources required to maintain and grow the channel, including video production and content scheduling - could video creation be outsourced? At what cost?

  • Ensure a smooth transfer of ownership is possible, including access to channel analytics, social media accounts, and any ongoing contracts or partnerships.

  • Independently check that the subscribers and viewers are legit by reading my BUYER TIP above.

Keto Supplements Business with Premium Domain 🥑💊

Established in 2017, this e-commerce business has made waves in the health supplements market with a focus on keto, low-carb, and biohacking. With a solid customer base and profitability, the business runs on WooCommerce and includes a keyword-rich domain, blog, and recipe guides that attract steady traffic.

With 7,000 unique customers and 5,000 engaged subscribers, the business is ready for growth. Expanding the product line, launching branded supplements, and ramping up SEO, targeted ads, and influencer partnerships could boost sales. Adding new blog content and recipe guides, enhancing email marketing, and tapping into affiliate programs will drive further success. Business is currently based in the UK, mainly aimed at UK market but could be easily adapted to be operated from anywhere.

My Checklist:

  • Verify the accuracy of reported revenue and profit figures through detailed financial statements and tax returns.

  • Check whether you are buying a Limited Company or just the assets (inc domain name).

  • Assess the quality and engagement of the customer base, including the validity of the 5,000 double-opt-in subscribers - what are the comany’’s online reviews like?

  • Confirm the current inventory levels, including the condition and value of products, and ensure a smooth transition of stock, preferably into a third party fulfilment center.

  • Validate the ownership and value of the domain name and review the effectiveness of the current SEO and content strategies.

  • Examine existing agreements with suppliers and shipping providers to understand terms and potential impact on operations.

  • Check for any legal or regulatory issues related to health supplements and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. Also check to see if the company is currently Vat Registered in the UK.

Golf Accessories Dropship Ecommerce Business 🏌️‍♂️⛳

This turnkey e-commerce business is a prime find for investors looking for a profitable, automated venture. Launched with a focus on golf accessories and operating on a dropshipping model, it offers a stable income with minimal daily involvement. The Shopify store is sleek and professionally designed, and 80% of profits come from the US market. With efficient email and messaging management, order fulfillment and customer service are outsourced, requiring the owner to spend just over an hour a week on tasks.

Growth potential is ripe—exploring international markets, expanding the product line, and ramping up marketing through social media, influencer partnerships, and SEO could boost traffic and sales. Engaging customers with loyalty programs, special promotions, and targeted email campaigns can drive repeat business. Expanding affiliate programs and creating content on golf accessories could further increase revenue and attract organic traffic.

My Checklist:

  • Verify the accuracy of revenue and profit figures through detailed financial statements and tax returns - request access to Shopify backend.

  • Ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the current automated systems for order fulfillment and customer service.

  • Review the Shopify store’s design, functionality, and performance to assess its effectiveness in driving sales and customer satisfaction.

  • Confirm the reliability of the drop shipping supplier and check online reviews.

  • Validate the ownership of domains and the quality of branding assets, including logos and product images - who owns rights to images?

  • Check the ClickFunnels account and other operational tools included in the sale for their effectiveness and compatibility with the business operations - are they transferable?

  • Assess the performance & cost of the Virtual Assistant handling customer service to ensure high-quality support and low return rates.

  • What are the drop shippers return policies? What are the returns rate for the website?

TRIVIA ANSWER - The highest reported price ever paid for a YouTube channel was $7 million for the channel "Kids Diana Show," which features a young girl named Diana and her family engaging in various activities. 🤑

Disclaimer: Buying any business is a significant financial and personal decision. We strongly recommend conducting thorough due diligence and consulting with qualified advisors before making any purchase. The businesses we showcase are merely those that caught our interest, and our inclusion of them does not constitute endorsement or recommendation. We do not offer any investment or financial advice, and we assume no liability for the decisions you make based on the information provided in this newsletter.